Monday, April 11, 2011

Trying to Catch Up

Today I've felt a bit like this fellow (who you'll note has borrowed a chapeau from his friend the milliner--such is my explanation for tiredly mixing up the two when I was drawing): late for a very important date!  Or at least running to catch up.  I was working on my taxes earlier and realized that they would be more complex than I'd hoped.  After frustration followed by procrastination, it got late in the evening and I had not made much headway.  I decided to stop for tonight (not early enough, it appears!) and finish up tomorrow.  I'm not feeling too stressed about that, because I'll have time to do them tomorrow evening, but taxes and other exigencies have been keeping me from my duck blog.  I'm sorry to my faithful readers to have let so many days go by without posting.  I'm going to do my best to stay with it, but I've got a hectic month or two coming up, and there will probably be more lapses.  Thanks in advance for sticking with me and this blog.  I hope you are already at the tea party enjoying crumpets with lemon curd, and I will look forward to seeing you shortly!

1 comment:

  1. Dress up tea party? I like the sound of that. Duck rock on good sir!
