Monday, May 9, 2011

Hula Hooping

This weekend I got to try my buddy's hula hoop. It wasn't like the ones I played with when I was little. This one was much larger in diameter and weighted instead of being a hollow tube of plastic. It had a satisfying heft that counterintuitively made it easier to keep it going than the lightweight kind. I gave it a whirl and found I was better than I remembered. Then I kept going, and when I stopped I was out of breath with a huge smile on my face. My joy came not from pretending to be a kid again, but from falling into the moment and not thinking of anything but the gyrating hoop around my waist--spinning meditation. That and the endorphin rush of shaking all around!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I'm waaaay behind on reading your blog, but I pulled it up on my phone before bed and wanted to tell you I love this pic!
    Sadly, I've never been able to master a hula hoop. And by master, I mean get it to do anything other than fall to the ground. I think the weighted one sounds much better!
