Sunday, February 13, 2011

DIY Haircuts

I cut my own hair.  Partly because I'm cheap, partly because I like the control it gives me, and partly because I so often feel the urgent need to cut my hair around 11:00 p.m.  I know pretty much what look I'm aiming for, and if I end up with a terrible haircut I have nobody to blame except myself.  The downsides of do-it-myself haircutting is that even when I put a drop cloth down, my bathroom floor ends up covered with tiny bits of hair.  When I take a shower afterward, the shower ends up covered with tiny bits of hair.  Also, it's hard to do a good job on the back of my head.  Sometimes I'll leave the house feeling suave and confident in my new 'do, only to realize around lunchtime that a few stray locks have been jutting out in back all morning.  Many are the times I have accidentally cut part of my hair shorter than intended, and ended up having to shorten it all over to match.  But I can even find strengths in bad haircuts, because they encourage humility, discourage vanity, and help me remember that all things change with time.  (On this duck drawing, I have only minimally adjusted the black levels of the photograph, because I think it better conveys the pen strokes.  I'll do a future post about my blogging process to go into this in more depth.  Thanks for reading.)

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