Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wind-Up Hopping Toys

There is something ridiculously satisfying about tiny, plastic, wind-up toys.  I used to have some made by the Tomy corporation that were marvels of cuteness and compactness.  You wind them up with a gratifying ratchet sound and then hold them still until you're ready for them to go, feeling the strength of all that potential energy ready to be released.  Then you set them down on a table and watch as they slowly lower themselves before . . . *BOING!* springing into the air.  Sometimes they'll do a complete flip in the air and land on their feet again (for bonus points).  I like how sometimes they're shaped like something that would never ordinarily be jumping into the air, like a television set or a lobster.  Well, maybe not a lobster, but I'm pretty sure there are crazy jumping toys out there.  These toys are so simple, yet so complex, and refreshingly free of any utility, other than creating smiles.

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