Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cleaning Out the Refrigerator

My roommates and I had been talking about it for a long time, saying things like, "Hm, we should really get around to doing that sometime," and answering, "Yeah, we really should, like tomorrow or this weekend."  Well, today the day finally arrived: refrigerator cleaning day.  It was horrifying.  There were several items that looked as though they had been in there since the Clinton administration, which was surprising since we only have a two-year lease on the house.  I'm sure we threw out several promising new antibiotics, along with odors potent enough for military use.  When we'd weeded out all the repugnance, I washed the Tupperware with bleach water and then dish soap and hot water.  And man, we've got a lot of clean plastic containers now.  It's so satisfying to have room in the fridge again, and to know that if I grab something out at random, it's going to be edible.  Maybe I'll ride this momentum all the way to cleaning my desk.  You never know.

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