Monday, March 14, 2011

Pi Day

Today is Pi Day.  It's Pi Day because when you write the date like we do in the U.S., March 14th looks like 3/14, which looks kind of like 3.14, which starts off the decimal approximation of pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.  Pi Day would no doubt be but a blip on the pop-cultural radar were it not for the neat coincidence that "pi" sounds like "pie," and pies are tasty.  So Pi Day becomes for many an excuse to bake and eat pies, a pastime with which few of us could quarrel.  This evening I'm missing out on Pi Day festivities at Johnny's in Carrboro because I'm still a bit sleepy from the time change to Daylight Savings Time yesterday.  I'm also going to a concert later, so I figure I need to marshal my strength.  And do this blog post before I head out.  A few years back I was very enthusiastic about Pi Day and brought pie materials in to work so I could bake a pie in the kitchen.  I did this, and it remains one of my proudest workday achievements.  That year, Pi Day also fell on a day in the NCAA tournament when UNC was playing (actually, it might have been the ACC--I can't remember), so I went back and forth at lunchtime between checking on the pie and watching the game with my coworkers.  It was a good day.  And a good pie.  Have a very happy Pi Day, everyone!

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