Monday, March 21, 2011

Pfand (Bottle Deposit)

My roommate and I buy milk to share, and it comes in glass bottles from the dairy.  When you buy it, you have to pay a deposit (called a Pfand in German--they don't use that word here, but I think it sounds so much more interesting than "deposit," so I'm sharing it here) to make sure you return the empty bottle for reuse.  Well, we'd been letting the empties pile up on our counter for some time now, and today we decided to cash them in.  It was all part of a clever spur-of-the-moment plan to watch Jeopardy, but more on that in a moment.  So with our other roommate, we loaded up nine empty bottles and drove to the store, where we got $13.50 of deposit money back.  From there we walked to the pizza place and only had to add a couple bucks each to get an extra-large pizza.  It felt like free money.  It was like every time I had bought milk, I had been putting money down toward a pizza one day, and that day was today.  While we enjoyed our pizza, we watched Jeopardy on the TV mounted in the corner of the pizza place.  A friend of a friend of ours was competing today, and we wanted to cheer him on.  He gave a good showing and ended up coming in second, and a good time was had by all.

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