Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Late-Night Salads

Recently when I have that "kinda hungry but not really" feeling around bedtime, I'll make myself a salad in this large, blue-and-white china bowl.  I use normal red or green leaf lettuce, or whatever's handy, and dress it with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, crushed black pepper, and dried oregano.  Then I put a few drops of Salsa Huichol hot sauce on top for that extra zip.  Tonight I felt like I'd been eating poorly all day, so I kicked in a couple cloves of crushed garlic and some clover sprouts, too.  When I've finished the salad, I'll often drink the vinegar that's left in the bottom of the bowl, in accordance with my childhood tradition (seriously, I did this as a kid and loved it).  Tonight's duck is drawn with a big ol' charcoal pencil, and man, I'd forgotten how much fun those are!  It's like instant "Curious George".


  1. You mean PBR and Sour Jacks isn't a well rounded dinner? Hmm, might have to rethink my nutritional strategies. Would hot sauce and oregano on the sour jacks help?

  2. Absolutely! Oregano is a plant, so that's like a vegetable, and, uh, beer is full of carbohydrates, so . . . hm. Yeah, might need to work on that. Oh well. At least your strategy is good for the soul, if not so much the body!
