Friday, March 25, 2011

Singing Really Loudly in the Car

Usually I take the bus to work in the morning, but this morning we were doing an off-site strategic planning discussion, so I drove.  On the way, I pumped a band I just saw last week and loved, The Rural Alberta Advantage.  They're from Toronto.  I love listening to music in the car, and especially love it when I'm feeling tired or frustrated or really happy, and I can just blast it and sing along at the top of my lungs and get lost in the wash of sound.  It was a very wakeful way to start the day.  I also love pulling up at stoplights when somebody in the car next to me is singing emphatically, not realizing others are watching.  Sometimes that somebody is me.  I like to think this duck is singing along to some Meatloaf, or maybe Journey or Queen.  His day just got a whole lot better.


  1. Haha I love doing this too! I'm pretty much always "that somebody" at the stoplight. Plus crazy dancing.
