Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend Lounging

My post for Saturday is so belated that it's now solidly Sunday, but here you go.  Yesterday I enjoyed the finest that Saturday afternoon has to offer: quiet lounging with family and a good book.  I may have dozed off at one point.  It was glorious.  I'm all for doing things on the weekends--working on fun projects or traveling, visiting museums, seeing movies, etc.  But I'm also a staunch proponent of just relaxing and doing nothing.  Because there simply aren't enough occasions for that during the week, and sometimes you need to chill out.  I hope that you all have some good down time this weekend to relax and do nothing.


  1. I think if more law students lounged the world (or at least the law school building) would be a happier place...

  2. Lounging all around! I could not agree more.
