Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Getting A Good Night's Sleep

So many nights, I have more I want to do than time to do it all, and I end up staying up too late trying to squeeze everything into the evening.  The next morning I wake up tired out and everything goes more slowly, so there's more to do that night and I stay up later to try to do it all.  And the cycle continues.  When I'm overtired, everything seems more complex and difficult, so simple tasks become gargantuan.  My mind--which is already a bit on the overactive side--moves even faster, and my tendency to overthink everything is amplified.  I'll have a brief conversation with someone and then continue analyzing my choice of words and thinking of how it could have been better.  Sleep is so important.  It feels amazing to get comfy in bed, turn off the lights, and let myself slip into dreams.  So before it gets too late here, I'm going to brush my teeth and do just that.  Good night!

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